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NEW Changes to Email Accounts

Please take note of upcoming changes to your email account, effective Sept. 1st, 2011.
See our letter to clients and Frequently Asked Questions here.

Setting Up Your Email

Where to

All email accounts can be accessed by going to and entering your username, which is your email address, and your password.  To delete or add a new email account, please send a support ticket.

This is a Yahoo webmail account called Zimbra. The Pro Accounts  have great features and allows for you to share your calendar with other Zimbra users, send meeting/appointment requests, store documents online, and more! Contact support if you would like to upgrade.


Benefits to Zimbra Mail through Alternate Image

There is no storage quota for your email account.
No need to worry about your inbox being closed from reaching your size limit, as we do not have a storage quota.  We ask that as email accounts become inactive that you send a support ticket to request that we delete the inactive accounts to save space on our mail server.

Access your email from anywhere.
Simply login through from any computer anywhere and your emails, calendars, folders, and stored documents are all there for you to access. (This will not work if you are going to setup your email on Outlook as a POP account)

Sync your email to your smartphone.  (PRO ACCOUNTS)
Zimbra mail is accessible from your iPhone or other smart phones.
Syncs with your webmail so you can view all of your folders and push calendar notifications to your phone.
View setup directions below.

Download Step by Step Setup Instructions

If you choose to use third party software such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, or Mozilla Thunderbird, the following links contain information about settings. 

PLEASE NOTE: We highly recommend setting your email up as an IMAP account and not a POP3 account.
To learn which type is best suited for you
, read this BEFORE setting up your email accounts.

Click to see step by step instructions on
How to Setup Your Email on:
Important Notes about Using Outlook:
Zimbra offers an Import Wizard an Outlook Connector program that will send all of your mail back to the AI server and then connect it with Outlook so that your Zimbra webmail and Outlook mail application are in sync. This may take anywhere from a few minutes if you have a new account to a few hours (depending on how many emails you have stored in Outlook). Please contact the support desk if you would like to use these applications to sync Outlook and Zimbra.

*Please note that without installing the Import Wizard and Outlook Connector you will not be able to view your mail in other places once you use Outlook. Outlook will download your emails from the AI mail server and the only place they will be viewable is your Outlook application on your computer.  We recommend using only one mail application, either you web mail through Zimbra, or Outlook. Because Outlook is a third party application we cannot offer technical support for Outlook, other than offering our step by step setup instructions.

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