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Don't Just Be Online, Compete Online. The key to success online is to attract qualified traffic. The way to make this happen is to optimize the content on your site and to build quality inbound links in order to appear higher on the search engines.

There are no secrets. Just hard work. Let us do the work while you run your business.
FREE Marketing Classes
Google Certified
Social Marketing
Email Marketing
Years Of Experience

Rank with Google...on a budget. Regardless if you need some help getting started and reporting to keep you on track or if you need a full agency campaign where we do it all, we have a plan to fit your needs and your budget. If you are a do it yourself-er, we also offer online classes. Classes are listed in the section below.
Contact us for details

"Alternate Image is getting bigger and bigger but I still feel the love. :) Thank you for your patience and professionalism throughout the years."
Carlos Levitz

FREE Marketing Classes. Five days a week OpenHotel has 'How To' classes for clients. These classes cover the use of the OpenHotel Booking Engine and marketing features of the OpenHotel website applications.

Also, usually once per week, Michelle Herrin hosts  a free 30-60 minute webinar. She covers various levels of online marketing strategies for the hotel industry. Individual topic may vary and space is limited. To reserve your seat, please signup below.

An email will be sent with a link to the live screen sharing training and a phone number for you to call.

Michelle Herrin has Google juice flowing through her veins. Not only is she Google certified but has worked consistently since the mid 1990's on achieving successful placement and developing online marketing campaigns. As the Vice President of OpenHotel and Alternate Image Inc, she works with clients to offer consultations for online businesses or e-commerce websites and Internet marketing strategies. in 2005, through speaking at different organizations, Michelle began sharing the knowledge and tools that it takes for ranking on search engines, specifically Google.

We offer seminars and workshops for clients and non-clients as part of their "Give Back" initiative to give business owners the tools and resources they need for "do-it-yourself" marketing.

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Hotel Booking Engines By Alternate Image
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