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Visual Enhancements on all Applications

Alternate Image's programmers and designers have been busily working on updating what we call 'skins' for all applications in the administration area. You will notice some items have already been updated such as News and Calendar. The new 'skins' allow for visual enhancements and user-friendly navigation, yet leaving the functionality the same. Currently you will see enhancements in some of the Hotel applications such as Rooms, Room Options and Reports.

Go to Rooms. Click on the details of a specific room and you will see noticeable enhancement, such as the length of the form. Instead of having to scroll down to complete the form now you can click across the page. Description, Pictures, Policy, and GDS settings are now more visible and easily navigated. We also added some Additional Settings, which allow you to choose the specific discounts, amenities, and options for that particular room. Also see Room Options>Details.


The Billing Overview and Revenue Overview reports have also been upgraded. The revenue amounts are legible and the color is easy on the eyes. You can also view your GDS revenue, separate from all revenue. If you are looking for something more specific you may choose to Build Report. To build a report you can choose certain criteria, such as Date Range of when the reservation was made, Booked At if there are portals you are attached to, Discounts if you are looking to isolate reservations that used a discount, or Booked By which would primarily be any wholesalers you have contracted with. If you click on the details of a particular month a light box window will appear to include all reservations where the revenue derived. You can also print the list of reservations for your backup.


The 'skins' will have similarities in all applications once each has been completed. Larger font for legibility, softer color which is easier on the eyes, shorter forms to complete for an overall better experience. Look for more application enhancements throughout the next few months.

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Hotel Booking Engines By Alternate Image
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