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How to Write Search Engine Friendly Blog Articles
Blogging is a great way to get the attention of Google and other search engines - if done correctly. Here are some tips for writing searching engine friendly blog posts or news stories that every website should use. Not all of your blog posts have to be directed at search engines, but to rank on specific keyword phrases you should write at least one blog post per keyword phrase.
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Search Engine Optimization
Google Farmer Update - How This Affects Your Website Rankings
Businesses love and fear Google, and for good reason. They can make or destroy your online presence. Major websites are seeing huge drops in traffic (as a result of a drop in their rankings on Google) after the Google Farmer update, released in March 2011. How does this affect the average business owner's website?
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Search Engine Optimization
Google Changes to Make Poorly Reviewed Websites Rank Lower
After a recent article by the New York Times in which a business explained that the more bad reviews they received the better their website ranked on Google, there have been some changes to the way Google ranks websites. It takes a lot for Google to make changes to their algorithm, the formula it uses which calculates more than 200 different factors when choosing which websites to display in it's results pages, but the New York Times article was enough to make Google rethink the importance of reviews.The article described an online retailer who abused it's customers after discovering...
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Search Engine Optimization
New Changes to Google Places Listing Results Page
What!? More changes to the Google Places listings page?On October 27th, Google introduced the Place Search, "a new kind of local search result that organizes the world's information around places. We've clustered search results around specific locations so you can easily make comparisons and decide where to go".Just when you think you have Google figured out they go ahead and change everything on us. Okay, as SEO professionals we are used to this. They introduced Caffeine earlier this year. Then there came Google Instant. Now they are changing the placement of their Google Places (formerly...
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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization Class a Success
The Search Engine Optimization 101 class was a great success. Thank you to everyone who participated. Michelle and Jeff Herrin taught class attendees as much as they could fit into 4 hours about search engines and optimizing their websites to rank higher on search engine results to drive more traffic to their websites.Clients in attendance were from a variety of industries including travel, hospitality, real estate, retail and other business services. The class started by teaching the mechanics of how search engines work and other ways to get your business on page one of Google. Tips included...
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Assisted Search Engine Optimization Services from Alternate Image
Assisted Search Engine Optimization ServicesFor clients wanting to do their own Search Engine Optimization but still needing a little extra help.This is a monthly service with an initial website analysis and report for suggested changes to make your website more search engine friendly. This report will also include researching and providing 15 keywords for suggested optimization. After the initial analysis, quarterly analysis reports will be sent to the client via email. These will include suggestions for improving content, search engine friendliness of the website, and anything else...
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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization Tips for Your Website
Search engine optimization tips that will help your website be more visible to the search engines. These are simple tips to help your overall Internet marketing strategy in a short amount of time. These SE tips are for clients that have our standard application suite for websites developed by Alternate Image.
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Search Engine Optimization
NEW! Manage your Google Places Page Reviews
Google Places can be a powerful resource for customers searching for your business online. One of the drawbacks with Google Places is that it allows users to submit reviews that everyone can see. Business owners cannot delete and (up until now) could not reply to these reviews, which seemed a bit unfair.Your entire company's reputation is in the hands of Google users. I myself have read so many horrible reviews about businesses on their Google Places page, as this is one of the first things to show up when you are searching for the page. It's helpful to see what other people have written...
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Search Engine Optimization
Creating your Google Maps Listing
Google Map Listings, now known as Google Places, are listed next to the Google Map result for any location related searches. These search results are very important and show above the scroll line after the sponsored listings and before the organic Google listings.
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How to Rank Higher on Google Maps
Google has been making changes. Lots of changes. And not just to how their regular search engine results show - you should notice that Google Maps listings are now ranking according to more than just location proximity and industry categories.
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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization Services from Alternate Image
Having a good website is one thing. Having a good website that users can easily find is another. Have you considered Search Engine Optimization for your website? If your business can benefit from website traffic then this is something you should consider. SEO for your website will bring in potential customers who are seeking your services - this is a highly targeted form of advertising.
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