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Using the New Content Management System
Newest Version of Content Management is finally here! We have just recently turned on the new content manager in our mailer application. It is cross browser friendly and will work with any browser including Safari. Let me explain about the newest features you will love.

The basic editing functions are always important. Anytime time you want to edit the font you will have to be sure to highlight the text. Once the text is highlighted click on the "A" viewer, which is now a combination of three options in one; the Color, Size, and Type of font. When choosing the color, click on the check box next to color and a color wheel will appear. There is a small cursor in the bottom left corner you drag into the color choice. You can also move the vertical cursor up and down. Once you have chosen the color click on the rainbow wheel at the bottom to activate and Submit. You can also Bold, Italic, or Underline in the "A" viewer, for one less step.

The same items apply with indexing. Options include Left index, Right index, and center. Highlight the text area you want to edit and chose the index you prefer. We have also added bullets and line breaks which can be useful. Rumor has it, tables will be added in the near future.

Hyperlinks are very useful for any content. Highlight the text you would like to link. Click the "Chain" link next to the camera and a pop up box will appear. Main functions include Type, Text, Url, and Open In.

The type is whether it is a secure page, https, a regular page http, or a mail to, which is a link to an email address. If you are linking to an email address be sure you type in the full email address in the url field.

The text field will pre-populate what you highlighted. Make sure you are not linking words such as "click here" these are not search engine friendly. They should be a descriptive word about what you are writing, such as, "register for class" or "bike week rates." The url is the link, you do not have to include the http or www.

The open in, is whether or not you would like the link to open a new browser window or the same browser window. Suggestion, if you are linking away from your website, chose to open in "new" window. If you are linking within your own website, chose to open in the "same" window. This will ensure your viewing traffic is not directed away from you site.

Once the link has been customized to your liking, you may now chose to change the font by clicking on the Style tab. The style tab will drop down and offer options of font, size, and color, which work in unison with the "A" viewer. For reference see FONTS.

The media upload is by far the most advanced feature. It contains several uploading options such as Pictures, Documents, Audio/Video and Flash. Now you can upload your newest YouTube video to a news article. Here are the steps to using the media upload.

-Place your cursor where you would like to upload your picture/file.

-Click on the "Camera" viewer and a pop up box will appear. The media holds all files and organizes them accordingly for easy navigation. Notice you have the ability to scroll through several pages of uploads using the page finder.

-You now have a thumbnail which acts as a preview and the title is visible below the thumbnail for easy viewing. You can easily chose to view all files, or select specific files.

-To upload chose the "Upload" tab found in the middle below the files. Two options show up within the upload section. Destination, is the libraries created to help organize your media. And Browse where you can upload from your desktop. Once uploaded there will be a preview indicating the file has successfully uploaded. To close the upload tab, do NOT click the close link. Instead click the UPLOAD tab, again, to go back to the media viewer.

-To search for the title of the file, type it in the search field found to the left of the upload tab. Once you have found the file, you may click the thumbnail to view the details of this file.

-The details of the file will have available sizes that are created by default. The original file is typically the largest. Next to that, you can create custom sizes. The More options section below is used for natural search engine optimizing. Alt Text is the title you give your document. Float allows for you to float your image to wrap text. And Link is to link your image to a designated url.

For sneak peak, check out the new look of the user-side content manager.

If you have any questions regarding any of our products please do not hesitate to call us.

-AI Staff

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